Configuring Task Variables

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PackBench > 8.0 > User Guide > Configuration > Configuring Workflows > Editing Workflows > Tasks 

Configuring Task Variables

The VARIABLES tab defines relations between a given task and custom variables.


The tab shows a list of variables. defined in the Custom Variables tab. Any variable can be assigned to a task by ticking a checkbox next to its name:


task tab3


Variables assigned to a task are marked using a green background and a checkbox. Additionally, the number displayed in the tab header informs, how many variables are assigned to a task.


If a variable is assigned to a task, in the Run view the task view displays it under the tool section:


assigned variable




Variables assigned to a task can be always edited within the task view. The flag Allow changing custom variables after a run is started has no effect on variables displayed in the task view.


Once a task contains any variable assignments, an additional icon is shown in the sidebar:


icon tools_01