Configuring Task Tools

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PackBench > 8.0 > User Guide > Configuration > Configuring Workflows > Editing Workflows > Tasks 

Configuring Task Tools

The TOOL tab defines the link between tools already defined in this instance and a given task.


task tab2


A tool can be assigned to a task. To assign a tool click on this field. By default, it is set to Do not assign any tool for this task. After clicking on this field a dropdown menu will open.


task tab2b


The dropdown menu contains a list of tools from which the tool that is to be assigned to this task can be chosen.


For some tools, additional configurations are available. The configurations are displayed in the second drop-down. If there are no configurations available for a tool, the second-drop is disabled. Configurations can be used to select a specific variant of a given tool (see chapter Configurations for more information). For example, the following choice:


task tab2a


means that the tool RayEval will be assigned to this task, and when started the command configured in configuration Create new EVAL documentation will be executed.

Removing Tool Assignment

In order to remove the assignment, select option Do not assign any tool for this task.

Overriding Tools

Frequently, default tool configurations are not 100% suitable to finish the specified task. This can be due to number of reasons, for example:


The default configuration contains placeholders in the tool so that certain strings have to be replaced with workflow-specific variables

Certain settings have to be adjusted on workflow basis, leaving the generic version of the tool intact.


In order to override certain tool or tool configuration settings, check the Use customized version of this tool checkbox. A new section will be revealed, containing relevant customization options:


task tab2c


The options to override are similar to the configuration of a tool configuration (see chapters Command and Configurations for more details of how to use them).




Tools are global. By overriding the tool and simply reusing the existing command line and attributes you can create a "frozen state" of a tool which will be available in the workflow, even if the original tool changes in the future. By doing so, you make the task's tool independent.


Recommendations from Workflow Creator

Workflow creator might have already suggested that a tool requires override or not, from the very same reasons as already outlined in the previous section. When a certain tool or its configurations have been configured in this way, when using the tool in the task view the following suggestion will be shown:


task tab2d




It is still possible to decide not to override the tool. However, ignoring the recommendation may lead to a tool that does not work, or works incorrectly.