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When a RayQC evaluation session has been initiated via RayFlow, it is possible to load RayFlow package object data into dedicated elements of a checklist (see Initiate RayQC checklist evaluation or Element Options > RayFlow parameter for details). This is the ingoing data transmission path. Raynet always strives to establish both, efficient and consistent workflows. Therefore, only receiving data from RayFlow is not enough. RayQC is also able to send data back to RayFlow package objects and update the current property values according to the values present within the checklist. If direct property updates are not desired, it may suffice to automatically add checklist evaluation reports to the media repository of the package object in RayFlow. Both options are available in RayQC as described in this section.
Since all changes to RayFlow data objects are fully documented, workflow managers can freely make use of this option without running the risk of losing control or auditing acceptability due to untraceable phase transitions.
To actually use the Update RayFlow feature of RayQC, there are just a few preparations that need to be done:
1.The list of required parameter names for property interchange between RayFlow and RayQC needs to be communicated directly between the responsible persons for RayFlow maintenance and RayQC checklist creation.
2.RayQC checklists must be prepared to handle RayFlow data object properties.
a.Within elements
To do so, elements have to be extended with functionality provided by the internal RayFlow plug-in to get or set RayFlow parameters. As soon as a function of the RayFlow plug-in is executed, data exchange is triggered. Either receiving data from or sending data / files to the connected RayFlow server.
b.As part of the Post Processing tasks of the checklist
To do so, users have to define the RayFlow fields that will receive the update as well as the conditions that need to be fulfilled to trigger the post processing. Post processing itself needs to be activated for the Checklist as well.
3.The RayQC evaluation session has to be started by RayFlow, or a valid set of RayFlow connection credentials has to be provided, along with the reference id of the RayFlow package object that is the original data source from the RayFlow database. Actually, it is also possible to establish connectivity manually, by using the connection settings and local values for the package id, but the easiest and most seamless strategy is to trigger the direct communication from RayFlow.
The direct report export to RayFlow is available for all RayQC checklist evaluation procedures that have either been initiated directly from RayFlow or are operated on a system with an active RayFlow server connection. As soon as a checklist is opened this way in either the Checklist Viewer or the Checklist Editor, the Export to RayFlow option is visible and available from the FILE menu. During RayQC sessions without active RayFlow data link, the option is grayed out and cannot be used. To actually send a report from RayQC to RayFlow, users simply open the FILE menu, click on the RayFlow option from the menu on the left side, and select Upload Report.
Exporting report data does not change the properties of the RayFlow package data object, but simply adds a report file to the media repository of the package object.
RayQC offers three report target formats: PDF, HTML and DOCX. There are different methods to set the actively used format for report exports to RayFlow: either the tool integration command line call includes a value for the -r parameter regarding the report profile selection, or the default behavior settings in RayQC are used. If a specific format is given via the command line, it always precedes the general settings.
Reports may be exported at any time during the evaluation process, which may lead to files with information about PASSED, FAILED, or NOT FINISHED checklist evaluations within the RayFlow media repository of a package. The mere existence of a report file in RayFlow may therefore not be considered as an unambiguous indicator for a finished or successful evaluation phase.