Performing Tests

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RayQC Advanced > 8.0 > User Guide > Working With RayQC Advanced > Typical Workflows 

Performing Tests




This section describes how to initiate tests in RayQC Advanced. Please read the test wizard overview to get details on the UI and available additional functionalities.


The center piece of activity in RayQC Advanced is performing tests on software packages, App-V packages, and web applications. The following test procedures are available:

Test software for issue indicators regarding

conflicts with other software packages (installed on the same device)

conflicts with specific device environments

the general ability of the software to be used in a virtualized mode

conflicts with browser

All test types are bundled within the test wizard. It guides through the test parameter definition and enables quick and easy test setups.

To launch the test wizard:

1.There are two basic wizard modes users may initiate:

a.The wizard may be called from the home screen.
To do so, users have to click on the quick test tile on the dashboard In this case it opens with a dialog that asks for the resource packages that have to be tested.

b.It is also possible to launch the wizard from the library.
To do so, users have to select one or more software packages from the catalog folder structure, right-click on one of the selected items, and select "Test Wizard..." from the context menu. In this case it opens with a dialog that asks for the test area selection, as the resource packages to test are already defined. It should be notes that the Test Wizard also be directly initialized by selecting the "quick test" tile from the Dashboard.

2.Walk through the steps of the wizard. Please refer to the Test Wizard section for details regarding available settings and options.

3.Please note that the actual test execution duration depends on the amount of source and target packages, and the number of rules that are applied on them during the test run. For a smooth first test run it is recommended to start with a simple setup, which may later be extended to more complex constellations. A simple setup could be one source and target package that are checked regarding all testing areas .

4.Once the configured test procedures are finished, there is a result summary screen as last step of the wizard.
The interface of this view provides some optional activities:

a.Save the report as PDF file. Additionally, an ability exist to export the report in other formats including .docx, .doc, .html, .xps and .xml.

b.Open the report as PDF file

c.Review the command line expression of the test setup (for later reproduction).

d.The test results may be stored as report within the report archive.

5.Click on finish to close the wizard.

a.If the report has been assigned for archiving, the reports archive is loaded, with the newly added report ready for in-depth review.

b.If the report has not been archived, the initial view (dashboard or software dialog) is loaded next.

Take a look at the reviewing reports section to read some basic information about reviewing options.





Only reports pertaining to tests executed on a package from the catalog is stored in the Reports section. Reports generated for a package, tested directly from the disk is only available on temporary basis, after execution of the test.