<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> RayPack > 8.0 > User Guide > Settings > Repackaging Exclusions Editor |
This section describes the use of the exclusions editor. This view allows the user to configure which resources are to be excluded in any projects that are generated from the capture process. This user interface section permits editing of the exclusion files that are stored in the Exclusions configuration directory. The exclusion files are XML based and use regular expressions to exclude or explicitly include resources when capturing an application installation. The more finely tuned the exclusion file(s) are, the less work and effort is required to create a clean and functional package. For more information regarding regular expressions, please see this section.
Warning: It is recommended that the exclusion files are edited via the RayPack user interface only, as directly editing the files could cause errors and or instability during the operation of RayPack. |
The Exclusions Editor is split into tabbed views with specific exclusion information for the following capture source types:
Clicking the OK button from within any of the tabs saves all changes and closes the Exclusions Editor window. Clicking Cancel discards any changes and closes the window.
Read further to get an overview of the properties required for each exclusion item type, or directly move on to the general sections about editing and testing exclusion definitions.
This section deals with folders that are to be explicitly excluded or included in a project generated from the capture process. The folders view has 3 columns:
This column signifies if the entry is to be included or excluded from the generated project. This column can have the values Exclude or Include. To easily identify and distinguish between inclusions and exclusion, the entry’s are color-coded. Red signifying that the entry is to be excluded and green to signify that the entry is to be included.
In this instance, this column sets the folder that is to be excluded or included. This is a string containing a regular expression.
For example:
Signifies that any directories named "Temp" in the current user profile. In combination with the Action Exclude, this directory, as well as, any files and or sub-directories will be excluded. It might be apparent that environment variables can be used within the regular expression. This column cannot be empty.
This column is used purely for information, and in this case it is recommended that a description for the exclusion / inclusion is added.
Exclude any internal Windows Installer files
Action : Exclude
Location : ^%SystemDrive%\\Config\.msi
Location Description : Exclude all inside \Config.msi\
Exclude any information from VMWare application installation directory on both 32 and 64bit systems.
Action : Exclude
Location : ^(%ProgramFiles%|%ProgramFiles(x86)%)\\Vmware
Location Description : Program Files\VMWare
This section deals with what files are to be explicitly excluded or included in a project generated from the capture process. The files view has 5 columns:
This column signifies if the entry is to be included or excluded from the generated project. This column can have the values Exclude or Include. To easily identify and distinguish between inclusions and exclusion, the entry’s are color-coded. Red signifying that the entry is to be excluded and green signify that the entry is to be included.
In this instance, this column sets the folder that files are to be excluded or included. This is a string containing a regular expression.
For example:
Signifies that the current user profile directory is the directory to use in the inclusion / exclusion. If the Location is empty, then any subsequent information is for any location.
This column is used purely for information, and in this case it is recommended that a description for the exclusion / inclusion is added.
This is the name of the file(s) to be included / excluded. It is a string containing a regular expression.
For example:
Signifies that any files that contain ntuser or usrclass with the extension .dat are to be used for the inclusion / exclusion.
In combination with the Action and Location this transcribes to any files that are in the current user profile directory, that have the names ntuser.dat or usrclass.dat (case insensitive) are to be excluded.
This column is used purely for information, and in this case it is recommended that a description for the exclusion / inclusion is added.
Exclude and pre-compressed driver inf files (pnf) from the generation of a project
Action : Exclude
Location : ^%WINDIR%\\inf
Location Description : Windows inf directory
Name: \.PNF$
Name Description : Compressed inf files (devices)
Exclude the cookie index for the currently logged on user
Action : Exclude
Location : ^%APPDATA%\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Cookies
Location Description : Cookie location
Name: ^(?i)index.dat$
Name Description : Cookie index
This section deals with what registry entries are to be explicitly excluded or included in a project generated from the capture process. In this view, complete registry keys, specific named sub-keys, or specific values can be included / excluded.
The registry view, like other views has 7 columns:
This column signifies if the entry is to be included or excluded from the generated project. This column can have the values Exclude or Include. To easily identify and distinguish between inclusions and exclusion, the entry’s are color-coded Red signifying that the entry is to be excluded and green to signify that the entry is to be included.
In this instance, this column sets the root registry key that is to be excluded or included. This is a string containing a regular expression.
For example:
Signifies that any registry keys in the current user hive or local machine hive that are sub-keys of Software\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion are to be included / excluded (dependent on the Action setting) provided the Name column is not empty. This column cannot be empty.
This column is used purely for information, and in this case it is recommended that a description for the exclusion / inclusion is added.
In this view, this column represents the name of a String, Binary data, DWORD, QWORD, Multi-String Value or an Expandable String Value that is to be included / excluded (dependent on the Action setting).
For example:
In combination with the previous entries, this transcribes to ignore any changes to the registry values
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\RegisterdOrganization or
This column is used purely for information, and in this case it is recommended that a description for the exclusion / inclusion is added.
In this view, this column represents a specific name of a registry key value that can be included / excluded.
This column is used purely for information, and in this case it is recommended that a description for the exclusion / inclusion is added.
Ignore any changes to the machine / users keys representing the DateLastConnected or ShutdownFlags
Action : Exclude
Location : ^HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\
Location Description : Dynamic Information
Name: ^(DateLastConnected|ShutdownFlags)$
Name Description: Dynamic system related values
Exclude any changes to the Keyboard LED's.
Action : Exclude
Location : ^(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE|HKEY_CURRENT_USER)\\Control Panel\\Keyboard
Location Description : Control Panel Settings
Value: ^InitialKeyboardIndicators$
Value Description : The initial State of the Keyboard LED's
Note: Ensure that the Name and Name Description columns are empty for the second example. |
This section deals with what environment variable entries are to be explicitly excluded or included in a project generated from the capture process.
The environment variables view, like other views has 5 columns:
This column signifies if the entry is to be included or excluded from the generated project. This column can have the values Exclude or Include. To easily identify and distinguish between inclusions and exclusion, the entry’s are color-coded. Red signifying that the entry is to be excluded and green to signify that the entry is to be included.
This field contains the name of the environment variable to be included or excluded.
This field is an information field and is optional. It is recommended to add text here that describes the name of the environment variable.
This field is optional. If only part of the environment variable is to be included / excluded, it can be entered here.
This field is an information field and is optional. It is recommended to add text here that describes the value of the environment variable.
Ignore any changes to the Path environment variable
Action : Exclude
Name : ^Path$
Name Description : The System and User Path environment variable
This section deals with what services are to be explicitly excluded or included in a project generated from the capture process.
The services view, like other views has 7 columns:
This column signifies if the entry is to be included or excluded from the generated project. This column can have the values Exclude or Include. To easily identify and distinguish between inclusions and exclusion, the entry’s are color-coded. Red signifying that the entry is to be excluded and green to signify that the entry is to be included.
The name of the service to be included or excluded. Please be aware this is not the display name of the service, but the actual name of the service as used in the SC Manager. For example, the printer service is named "spooler", so to include or exclude the printer service, the value to be entered into the Name column is spooler (in the example above, the InstallShield ROT service is to be excluded).
This field is an information field and is optional. It is recommended to add a value here that describes the service, as the value in the Name column is not always descriptive.