Renaming a File or Folder

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Renaming a File or Folder

The package file browser of the Visual Desginer view Files and Folders offers several methods to trigger the renaming of a file or folder:


Select the object that has to be renamed and

Left-click it and hit F2 on the keyboard.

Right-click it, and select Rename from the context menu.
Both methods trigger that the name of the object within the current view is set into the direct inline edit mode. Immediately typing the new object name and hitting the enter key saves the new name.

Right-click it and select Properties from the context menu.
Either the FILE PROPERTIES or FOLDER PROPERTIES dialog is displayed, allowing to edit the object name.
See Edit file properties or Edit folder properties for details.


Renaming an object has to follow the same rules that are applied on object creation:

File and folder names must be unique within the their direct parent directory

Special characters or empty names are not allowed


Whenever a user tries to rename an object within the package file browser, RayPack checks the validity of the new value and shows an error icon if there are issues that prevent the new name from acceptance. Please hover over the icon to reveal the error message and adjust the new value according to that description.