Installer Options

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RayPack > 7.3 u6 > User Guide > PackDesigner > MSI / MST / RPP Based Projects > Visual Designer Mode > Setup Options 

Installer Options

This view allows you to influence the behavior of the Windows Installer Engine on the target system.

The Installer Options view is separated into two main areas:

the Restart manager on the left

the interface for defining Logging options at the right-hand side


Restart Manager

RayPack allows to determine the value of the MSIRESTARTMANAGERCONTROL property by the options presented within this area:


Activate the checkbox Use the restart manager to actually take control over the restart behavior of the target package.

Once it is active, the following settings may be defined:


Restart applications that were shutdown by the Restart Manager

If the checkbox for this option is active, a post-installation routine is enabled, that restarts all applications, that have been running on the target machine, but were shutdown by the restart manager during the installation run-time.


If there are applications that need to be shutdown by the Restart Manager, RayPack offers three options for their handling:

Attempt to shutdown all affected applications

Shutdown all affected applications

Shutdown affected applications only if they are registered for restart


Select the option that fits the current packaging project needs, and be sure to test the actual target system behavior for several application constellations.


Logging Options

At MSI package run-time, msiexec is used to launch the package installation. The default command line options for creating and populating log files are internally stored within the property MsiLogging, and may be defined by this RayPack dialog.


If the optional MsiLogging property is present in the Property table, the installer generates a log file named MSI*.LOG. The full path to the log file is given by the value of the MsiLogFileLocation property.


To activate one of the predefined options by the interface provided by the Installer Options view, users have to activate the checkbox left of the option label. If the standard options do not suffice the effective needs, there are further options, which may be displayed with a click on the more options slider.


Once the extended logging options content is visible, there is also a preview field for the effective logging string as it is currently defined by the active options. The interface does not only allow to define that string by checkbox manipulation, but as well by direct manual input. Using the logging options area this way, it is actually possible to easily analyze an existing logging options string by simply pasting it into the Logging string input field, and taking a look at the updated set of enabled and disabled checkboxes above. Any sign or letter that does not trigger one of the listed logging options is automatically cleared from the entered logging string.


Further details about logging options and the MsiLogging property are available on MSDN.