Editing Resources

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RayPack > 7.3 u6 > User Guide > PackDesigner > MSI / MST / RPP Based Projects > Visual Designer Mode > Setup Organization > Resources 

Editing Resources

Editing a resource entails changing the properties of the resource object stored within the packaging project directly by using the RayPack user interface.


To edit a resource, users should click on the resource object within the list of existing ones within the Resources view. Once selected, the resource details are available for manipulation within the details pane on the right hand side.


Once the properties of a resource are loaded into the details pane of the Resources view, the following manipulation options are available:


Change the name of the resource.
The name of a resource has to be a unique, not empty, alphanumeric string with a maximum length of 62 characters.
Resource names are internally saved into a column with an Identifier data type which may contain the ASCII characters A-Z (a-z), digits, underscores (_), or periods (.). However, every identifier must begin with either a letter or an underscore.

Change the settings for auto-update on build/save.
Activate the checkbox "Update this resource when the current project is saved / rebuilt" to automatically refresh the resource from the physical file path whenever the packaging project is saved or a target package (e. g. MSI) is built from it. If the linked source file has been changed in the meanwhile, this setting makes sure that the latest file version is applied.
If the checkbox is deactivated, changes made to the physical source file linked to the resource object will not influence your packaging project.

Showing source files in Windows Explorer.
Use the Show in Explorer... button from the details pane to open a file explorer window at the location given within the <file name> column. Use any of your standard methods to open the file in the application of your choice.


Additionally, for icon resources it is possible to see a preview of the actual icon object(s) within the resource item. If there is more than one icon object stored within the icon resource, arrow buttons make it possible to navigate through them.




The properties of a resource object that are available for manipulation, and the actions that can be executed on it, depend on the resource type (binary or icon) and on the origin of the resource (native file or binary package content).

Resources that were already compiled into an MSI or the internal standard resources provided with each new RPP project by default (e. g., the RayPack default resources starting with "RPUI_"), cannot be opened for edition in an external application.

Nonetheless, those integrated resources can be exported into physical files or replaced with physical files. Once replaced, the resource is available for refreshing and editing in external applications again. These advanced operations are available directly from within the Tables view.


File name, size, and last update time values of resources cannot be manipulated manually, but are automatically determined by RayPack.