Edit a Driver

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RayPack > 7.3 u6 > User Guide > PackDesigner > MSI / MST / RPP Based Projects > Visual Designer Mode > System Interaction > Drivers 

Edit a Driver

1.To edit a driver object, users load the list of existing items by calling the Drivers view within the Visual Designer mode of PackDesigner.


2.Clicking on the list item of the object that has to be modified displays its details in the editor panel on the right hand side of the RayPack application screen.


The following properties of the driver object may be manipulated:


User Interaction

Prompt for device on install

It is possible to suppress the Connect Device dialog by de-activating this checkbox. If it is active (as it is per default), the installing user will be ordered to connect a matching Plug and Play device at package run-time if the device recognition has not detected a matching device yet.


Create Add / Remove Programs entry for a driver

If this checkbox is active, the driver will be visible within the ARP dialog of the packages target system. In order to provide transparency on the target system, it is recommended to do so.


Installation and Uninstallation

Allow installation of missing or unsigned files

It is not common to allow the installation of unsigned or incomplete driver packages on a device. However, there may be circumstances where it is required to do so. Activating this checkbox overrules standard system settings, which would suppress the installation of usually unfit driver packages. Please double-check the necessity of allowing this type of resource installation before this checkbox is actually activated.


Always overwrite existing driver

If a similar driver is already present on the target system, the new driver brought along within the package will not be installed automatically. To force the installation in such a situation, this option needs to be activated manually.


Remove binary files on uninstall (not recommended)

It is part of Best Practice to keep files that have been created at specific system folders during package installation, even beyond the package de-installation. If other (vital) parts of the target device rely on these system files, their removal could cause severe harm. Therefore, it is recommended to keep this checkbox inactive. Please double-check the necessity of removing system folder files before it is actually activated.



It is possible to control the driver installation by the definition of conditions. These conditions have to be fulfilled in order to trigger the driver installation. Conditions may either be defined by typing the clause manually into the conditions input field, or by using the condition builder.

To use the assisting condition builder, users have to click on the button "edit in condition builder..." which is displayed below the input field. Please refer to the Common dialogs section Condition builder to get details on the options available within this special assistance interface.