Password Policies

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Raynet One Data Hub > 14.0 > Administration and User Guide > Administration > Users 

Password Policies

In Raynet One Data Hub the password policies can be configured according to the specific needs of a company. By default, no specific policies are given, which means that Raynet One Data Hub will except every entry as a password. The password policies can be configured in the appsettings.json which can be found in the [InstallDir].  The default appsettings.json can be found here.


  "TokenManagement": {

    "secret": "RayVentoryDataHubTopSecretSecret1337",

    "passwordFormat": "",

    "issuer": "Raynet GmbH",

    "audience": "RayVentory Data Hub User",

    "accessExpiration": 30,

    "refreshExpiration": 720,

    "rememberMeRefreshExpiration": 10080



In order to specify the password policies enter the specific policies in the TokenManagement section of the JSON.




"passwordFormat": "^












This marks the start of the value.


One of the following symbols needs to be contained in the password: #, ?, !, @, $, %, ^, &, *, or -.


One number from 0 - 9 needs to be contained in the password.


One lower case letter from a - z needs to be contained in the password.


One upper case letter from A - z needs to be contained in the password.


This string defines what symbols can be used.

a-z: lower case letters from a - z

A-Z: upper case letters from A-Z

0-9: numbers from 0 - 9

//#?!@$%^&*-: the following symbols: #, ?, !, @, $, %, ^, &, *, and - .


Defines the minimum number of sign that the password must consist of.


This marks the end of the value.