XLSX-Specific Export Options

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Raynet One Data Hub > 14.0 > Dashboards and Reports Customization Guide > Designing Reports > Preview, Print, and Export Reports 

XLSX-Specific Export Options

Before exporting a document to XLSX format, you can specify XLSX-specific options in the Export Options panel.




Export Mode
Specifies how a document is exported to XLSX. The following modes are available.

oThe Single File mode allows exporting a document to a single file, without dividing it into pages.

oThe Single File PageByPage mode allows exporting a document to a single file, while preserving the page-by-page breakdown. In this mode, the Page Range option is available.


Export Hyperlinks
Specifies whether to include hyperlinks into the resulting file.


Page Range
Specifies a range of pages which will be included in the resulting file. To separate page numbers, use commas. To set page ranges, use hyphens.


Raw Data Mode
Specifies whether to enable the raw data export mode. In this mode, only a document's actual data is exported to XLSX, ignoring non-relevant elements, such as images, graphic content, font and appearance settings.


Sheet Name
Specifies the name of the sheet in the created XLSX file.


Show Grid Lines
Specifies whether grid lines should be visible in the resulting XLSX file.


Text Export Mode
Specifies whether value formatting should be converted to the native XLSX format string (if it is possible), or embedded into cell values as plain text.


Rasterize Images
Specifies whether to rasterize vector images, such as pictures, charts, or barcodes.


Rasterization Resolution
Specifies the image resolution for raster images.


Fit To Printed Page Width
Shrinks the width of the exported document's printout to one page.


Fit To Printed Page Height
Shrinks the height of the exported document's printout to one page.


Ignore Errors
Specifies the document errors to be ignored in a resulting XLS file.


Right To Left Document
If you use right-to-left fonts in a report, enable the Right-to-Left Document option to use the right-to-left layout for sheets in the exported XLSX file.


Document Options

The Document Options complex property contains options which specify the Document Properties of the created XLSX file. Click the complex property's header to access its nested options.




Encryption Options

This complex property allows you to adjust the encryption options of the resulting XLSX file.




Type Specifies one of the following encryption types:

oStrong (default) type uses the Agile Encryption mechanism.

oCompatible type uses the Standard Encryption that is compatible with Excel 2007.

Password Sets a password for the exported XLSX file. Passwords for XLSX files are stored as plain text in report definitions. Ensure that only trusted parties have access to report definition files.