MHT-Specific Export Options

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Raynet One Data Hub > 14.0 > Dashboards and Reports Customization Guide > Designing Reports > Preview, Print, and Export Reports 

MHT-Specific Export Options

Before exporting a document to MHT format, you can specify MHT-specific options in the Export Options panel.




Export Mode
Specifies how a document is exported to MHT. The following modes are available.

oThe Single File mode allows exporting a document to a single file, without preserving the page-by-page breakdown.

oThe Single File PageByPage mode allows exporting a document to a single file, while preserving the page-by-page breakdown. In this mode, the Page Border Color, Page Border Width and Page Range options are available.


Page Border Color
Specifies the color of page borders.


Page Border Width
Specifies the width (in pixels) of page borders.


Page Range
Specifies a range of pages which will be included in the resulting file. To separate page numbers, use commas. To set page ranges, use hyphens.


Specifies a title of the created MHT file.


Character Set
Specifies the encoding name used in the exported document.


Table Layout
Specifies whether to use table or non-table layout in the resulting document.


Use HRef Hyperlinks
Specifies whether to enable the use of standard HTML link references in document navigation.


Allow URLs with JS Content
Specifies whether the JavaScript code can be placed in URLs in the resulting HTML document.


Remove Secondary Symbols
Specifies whether to remove all secondary symbols (for instance, Space, Carriage Return, etc.) in the resulting document to reduce its size.


Export Watermarks
Specifies whether to export watermarks to HTML along with the rest of the document content.