Add a new site

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Raynet One > 1.1 > User Guide > Organize your IT landscape and data sources > Structure your IT landscape 

Add a new site

Apart from the organization units as structuring categories, you can also display company units with regard to their geographical location. What looks like a "nice to have" tool at first glance can help you later during discovery and inventory runs. In fact, you can also assign individual assets, asset groups and runners to a location so you can run operations for specific locations determined under Sites. Here's how to add a new site to the platform.


1.In the Configuration workspace in the sidebar menu, open the Sites view.


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2.Click on Add new site in order to open the Add site wizard.

3.Enter a site name and a site description. Then click on Save.


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4.Check on the Sites view again. The newly added site is now listed.


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