<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager > 3.1 u11 > User Guide > Appendix I: Preference Settings for Managed Devices > Preference Settings in Command Line Tools Peer Download Agent Settings Configured Using the command-line |
The following settings can be configured using the peer download agent command-line (only when using it in debugging mode (-debug)):
•CacheDir - the location of the peer cache.
•CatalogName - the name of the peer downloads file (located in the parent of the CacheDir directory) listing files required by the peer cache.
•CheckpointSeconds - the frequency (in seconds) with which the peer downloads file is written to disk.
•DiskAveragingTime - the time period used to smooth the disk I/O traffic estimate. Used in conjunction with DiskMaxRate.
•DiskMaxRate - the maximum allowable averaged rate (in bytes per second) of all reads from and writes to disks caused by peer-to-peer file sharing. Used in conjunction with DiskAveragingTime.
•GCDiskSlice - the maximum percentage of DiskMaxRate that can be used for peer cache cleanup operations.
•GCMaxInterval - the maximum number of minutes the peer download agent should pause between examining files in the peer cache as part of cleanup operations.
•GCMinInterval - the minimum number of minutes the peer download agent should pause between examining files in the peer cache as part of cleanup operations.
•GCPeriod - the time period (in hours) over which peer cache cleanup operations are conducted.
•MinFreeDisk - the amount of disk space (in MB) that must be free for the peer download agent to download files to the peer cache.
•PeerAveragingTime - the time period to use to smooth the peer file sharing traffic estimate. Used in conjunction with PeerMaxRate.
•PeerListenQueue - the number of connection requests to queue before refusing additional connections.
•PeerMaxRate - the maximum allowable averaged rate (in bytes per second) of file transfers between peer managed devices. Used in conjunction with PeerAveragingTime.
•PeerPullPort - the TCP port on which file transfers from managed devices can be received.
•PeerPush - specifies whether peer managed devices can immediately transfer (push) requested files (True) or whether they must wait for a request.
•PeerSearchDuration - the time period during which to search for a file from peer managed devices.
•PeerSearchPort - the UDP port on which file transfer requests are broadcast.
•PeerTransferLimit - the number of simultaneous peer-to-peer search and file transfer operations allowed.
•PipeName (Peer Download Agent) - the name of the pipe used to communicate with the peer download agent.
•SearchFrequency - the number of seconds between issuing peer-to-peer file sharing requests.
•SearchMaxOffer - the maximum number of offers of a file from peer managed devices to accept before terminating the search.
•SearchMinimum - the minimum number of search requests to issue for a file being sought from peer managed devices.
•SearchRetry - the number of seconds to wait after a failed file search attempt before reissuing the request.
•UnusedFilePersistence - specifies how long (in minutes) to wait after receiving the first request from the installation agent before starting to look for and delete unused files.
•UnusedFileUptime - files in the peer cache that have not been accessed within this number of seconds are removed during cleanup operations.
•WANAveragingTime - the time period to use to smooth the estimate of traffic transferred between the managed device and a distribution server across a wide area network. Used in conjunction with WANMaxRate.
•WANMaxRate - the maximum allowable averaged rate (in bytes per second) of file transfers between managed devices and a distribution server across a wide area network. Used in conjunction with WANAveragingTime.
•WANProgressInterval - the frequency (in seconds) with which to update peer managed devices with progress about file downloads from a distribution server.
•WANRetryInterval - the length of time (in seconds) after a failed WAN download to retry the download.
•WANSearchCurrency - the length of time of how recently (in seconds) a peer search for a file must have occurred before the file should be downloaded from the closest distribution server.
•WANTimeout - the time (in seconds) after which to abort stalled transfers of files from distribution servers.
•WANTransferLimit - the maximum number of managed devices that may simultaneously download from a distribution location.