Preference Settings in command-line Tools

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RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager > 3.1 u11 > User Guide > Appendix I: Preference Settings for Managed Devices 

Preference Settings in command-line Tools

RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager command-line features allow for the automation of RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager related activities through scripts or batch files.


What do command-line tools do?


command-line tools allow for the direct interaction with a RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager smart agent. Some of the ways to use command-line tools include:


the creation of batch files to run behind the scenes.

the inclusion of the command in a user logon script in order for the command to run when the user logs in.

entering a command using the MS-DOS command-line in order to run the command immediately.