<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager > 3.1 u11 > User Guide > Appendix I: Preference Settings for Managed Devices > Preference Settings in Command Line Tools Inventory Agent Settings Configured Using the command-line |
The following settings can be configured using the inventory agent command-line:
•CheckCertificateRevocation - determines whether RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager checks the certificate revocation list when accepting web server signatures from an HTTPS server.
•Compress (inventory agent) - determines whether inventory files are compressed for the upload.
•Difference - determines whether differential inventories are performed on the managed device.
•ExcludeDirectory - folders that are to be excluded from the inventory.
•ExcludeExtension - file extensions that are to be excluded from the inventory.
•ExcludeFile - files that are to be excluded from the inventory.
•ExcludeMD5 - files matching this MD5 checksum are to be excluded from the inventory.
•ExcludePermissionsMask - files that match the defined octal mask will be excluded from the scan.
•GenerateMD5 - generate an MD5 for every file being tracked.
•GenerationMax - the number of differential inventories being performed between full inventories.
•Hardware - determines whether to track hardware (in the machine context).
•IncludeDirectory - folders to be included in the inventory.
•IncludeExtension - file extensions to be included in the inventory.
•IncludeFile - files to be included in inventory.
•IncludeMD5 - files matching this MD5 checksum are to be included in the inventory.
•IncludeRegistryKey - registry keys or values to be included in the inventory.
•IncrementalDiff - determines what differences RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager will collect if differential inventories are performed.
•InventoryDirectory - determines a custom directory used for the storage of inventory data.
•InventoryFile - identifies the name of a local copy of the inventory file.
•IncludePermissionsMask - files that match the defined octal mask will be included into the inventory.
•InventoryScriptsDir - the location of scripts to be run immediately before inventory data is uploaded through the distribution hierarchy.
•LowProfile (Installation Agent, Inventory Agent) - the processing priority used for RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager processes.
•MachineInventoryDirectory - the location for machine inventories.
•MachineZeroTouchDirectory - the location for machine inventories in case of a remote call.
•ManageSoftPackages - determines the installed software packages.
•MinInventoryInterval - specifies the minimum interval (in hours) between the collection of inventories.
•MSI - specifies if MSI package information is being added to the inventories.
•NetworkSense (Inventory Agent) - determines whether network checks are bypassed.
•PlatformSpecificPackages - specifies whether the information about non-Windows, platform-specific packages is included in the inventory.
•RunInventoryScripts - specifies whether or not to run inventory scripts after gathering inventory data.
•SMBIOSCmdLine - specifies a command-line for non-WMI hardware inventory collection.
•VersionInfo - determines whether file version header information is included in inventory.