Advanced Plug-in

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RayQC > 8.0 > User Guide > Plug-ins > Internal Plug-ins 

Advanced Plug-in

Allows a user to select target package for collision test. A wizard called Select Collision Testing Targets is launched when a checkpoint containing this plug-in is executed. This wizard lists the packages that are stored in the RayQC Advanced catalog.


Function Summary





Function Details

GetCollisionTargetsData Field

Allows a user to select target package for collision test. A wizard called Select Collision Testing Targets is launched, when a checkpoint containing this plug-in is executed. This wizard catalogs the packages stored in RayQC Advanced database.

This plug-in is only usable with an element of type Data Field.


GetRulesetsData Field

Launches the Select Rulesets wizard in which a ruleset can be selected to execute different test types including Collision, Virtualization, and System Readiness.

This plug-in is only usable with an element of type Data Field.



Starts the test scenario based upon the input parameters. After executing the test, this plug-in returns the test result along with a path to the report file.

This plug-in is only usable with an element of type Checkpoint.


Input parameters



Description & Examples

MSI path




The name and path of the source package for testing




Ruleset ID

formatted string

optional: true

Identifier of the test ruleset to be executed upon the source package. Use angle brackets for a description (they are ignored by the parser, only the number is interpreted).



1 <Collision>

MST path


optional: true

The name and path of the MST file.



Collision target

formatted string

optional: true

Path to the target package for collision test. Use angle brackets for a description (they are ignored by the parser, only the number is interpreted).


db:8 <Skype 10.0>