<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> RayQC > 7.3 u2 > User Guide > Plug-ins > Internal Plug-ins MSI Plug-in |
The MSI plug-in deals with functionality required to read information from MSI packages, allows validating MSI packages against ICE rule sets, and is able to extract the files contained within MSI packages.
Extracts the file resources from an MSI to a temporary folder and returns the folder name.
Usable in combination with elements of type Data Field.
Input parameters |
Name |
Type |
Description & Examples |
MSIFile |
formatted string |
The name and path of the MSI file.
Example: C:\Temp\Sample.msi |
ReUse Data |
boolean string optional default value: true |
The path to the folder that contains the extracted files is determined by the SHA-1 hash value of the MSI file.
Options: •enabled: If the temporary extraction folder already exists, it will be reused. •disabled: The temporary extraction folder will be cleared if it already exists, and populated with the current set of extracted files. |
MST File |
formatted string optional default value: none |
•The name and path of an optional MST file that may extend the MSI package. •Multiple transform files can be applied using a comma separator.
Example: C:\Temp\German.mst |
Looks for the value of a property in an MSI package. This means that according to the given property name, the content of the value column is queried from the Property table of the installer database.
Usable in combination with elements of type Data Field and Multi-Option.
Input parameters |
Name |
Type |
Description & Examples |
MSIFile |
formatted string |
The name and path of the MSI file.
Example: C:\Temp\RayEval.msi |
MSTFile |
formatted string optional default value: none |
•The name and path of an optional MST file that may extend the MSI package. •Multiple transform files can be applied using a comma separator.
Example: C:\Temp\German.mst |
Property |
string |
Name of the property whose value has to be retrieved.
Example: Manufacturer |
Requests an attribute from the summary information stream of an MSI package.
Usable in combination with elements of type Data Field and Multi-Option.
Input parameters |
Name |
Type |
Description & Examples |
MSIFile |
formatted string |
The name and path of the MSI file.
Example: C:\Temp\RayEval.msi |
MSTFile |
formatted string optional default value: none |
•The name and path of an optional MST file that may extend the MSI package. •Multiple transform files can be applied using a comma separator.
Example: C:\Temp\German.mst |
Attribute |
string |
Name of the attribute whose value has to be retrieved. This parameter has to be selected from the default pool of attributes:
Options: •Author •Comments •CreatingApp •Keywords •LastSavedBy •RevisionNumber •Subject •Template •Title •CharacterCount •CodePage •CreateTime •LastPrintTime •LastSaveTime •PageCount •Security •WordCount |
Date/Time Format |
formatted string optional default value: dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss |
If the requested attribute is a date or date-time combination, the selected format schema will be applied.
Options: •d.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss •dd.MM.yyyy •MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss •MM/dd/yyyy |
Validates an MSI package by applying checks as defined by the rules of the parametrized CUB file.
Usable in combination with elements of type Checkpoint.
Input parameters |
Name |
Type |
Description & Examples |
MSI File |
formatted string |
The name and path of the MSI file.
Example: C:\Temp\RayEval.msi |
MST File |
formatted string optional default value: none |
•The name and path to an optional MST file that may extend the MSI package. •Multiple transform files can be applied using a comma separator.
Example: C:\Temp\German.mst |
Cub Filename |
formatted string |
The name and path of the CUB file that contains the rules to validate the MSI against.
Example: C:\Temp\Darice.cub |
Suppressed Checks |
formatted string optional default value: none |
Comma separated list of ICE rule names, which are present in the CUB file, but should not be applied during validation.
Example: ICE01,ICE33,ICE64 |
MaxWarnings |
integer optional default value: -1 |
Maximum number of warnings that may occur during the ICE validation without causing the plug-in result to turn false.
Options: •-1: The number of warnings that arise during the ICE validation does not have any effect on the checkpoint result. •0: Any CUB rule evaluation that reveals a warning causes the plug-in result to turn false. •Any other integer > 0: As long as the number of warnings that arise during ICE validation is below the entered value, the checkpoint result evaluates to true. |
MaxErrors |
integer optional default value: 0 |
Maximum number of errors that may occur during the ICE validation without causing the plug-in result to turn false.
Options: •-1: The number of errors that arise during the ICE validation does not have any effect on the checkpoint result. •0: Any CUB rule evaluation that reveals an error causes the plug-in result to turn false. •Any other integer > 0: As long as the number of errors that arise during ICE validation is below the entered value, the checkpoint result evaluates to true. |
Executes a reading query on the installer database. The default query schema is defined as:
SELECT item FROM table WHERE key = value
Please note that the supported set of SQL operators and language constructs is limited for installer database queries, which is why the query function is limited to a straight forward select statement.
The result set of the query execution may contain 0,1, or several data objects.
Usable in combination with elements of type Data Field and Multi-Option.
Input parameters |
Name |
Type |
Description & Examples |
MSIFile |
formatted string |
The name and path of the MSI file.
Example: C:\Temp\RayEval.msi |
MSTFile |
formatted string optional default value: none |
•The name and path of an optional MST file that may extend the MSI package. •Multiple transform files can be applied using a comma separator.
Example: C:\Temp\German.mst |
Select |
string |
SQL expression that determines the data column that has to be retrieved from the installer database.
Example: Action |
From |
string |
SQL expression determining the table that contains the information that has to be read.
Example: CustomAction |
Where |
string optional default value: none |
SQL expression that determines a data column that is used as base for the equative result set filtering. If the Equals parameter is not empty, Where must be provided as well.
Example: Type |
Equals |
string optional default value: none |
Value used to filter the query result set. It has to be present within the column specified by the Where parameter. If the Where parameter is not empty, Equals must be provided as well.
Example: 19 |