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RayPack > 8.0 > User Guide > Settings 


This section contains various global settings defining the template configuration and the default folder where projects are saved.


Settings Projects Tab 5.2


Project Folder

This is the location to which all projects are saved. For each project, a subdirectory will be created in this location based on the name of the project. For example, if a project named "HelloPackage" is created, then a directory named C:\Users\packager\Documents\RayPack\HelloPackage will be created. This directory will contain all of the relevant resources that are required for that particular project. It is recommended that this project directory will be located on an external resource, such as on a shared drive. The projects directory location can be changed by using the BROWSE button and selecting an alternate location.



Be aware:

Read and write permissions for this directory are required!


This location is used as a default value by:


PackDesigner, as a default location when saving an unsaved RPP project,

PackTailor, as a default location for output MST transforms,

PackRecorder, as a default location for output RCP projects.


Template for New RPP Projects

The template file defined here is used to determine basic settings and properties for new packaging projects and for build processes targeting MSI based package formats. Please refer to the Authoring Large Packages section for details regarding the specific usage of the default templates, which are delivered along with the general RayPack application resources.


To use another template, press the three dots button on the right, and select the new MSI file to be used as new default template.


The section Adjusting the Default Template contains additional information on how to customize the default templates.



Be aware:

The checkbox wihch is located above the template field is disabled, because the RPP template is always required. Failing to provide a valid template results in being unable to create a new project.


Template for Windows Installer Transforms

This field defines the default template used when a new MST project is created. The setting is used by:


PackDesigner, as a default set of optional changes available from FILE > TRANSFORM > Apply changes from transform template...

PackTailor, as the set of changes added to the captured response transform,

PackRecorder, as the set of changes added to the captured transform.


This setting is optional and can be disabled by unchecking the checkbox located above.




The transform template is not an .mst transform but a proprietary XML definition.


To use another template, press the Browse button [...] on the right, and select the new MST file that is to be used as the new default MST template.


The section Adjusting the MST Templates contains additional information on how to customize the MST templates.


Template for Wrappers

This field defines the source folder containing template file for PackWrapper.


This setting is optional and can be disabled by unchecking the checkbox.


The section Custom PackWrapper Templates contains additional information on how to customize the templates.