<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> RayPack > 8.0 > User Guide > PackDesigner > MSI / MST / RPP Based Projects > Visual Designer Mode > Setup Options > Launch Conditions Edit a Launch Condition |
1.To edit a launch condition object, users load the list of existing items by calling the Launch Conditions view within the Visual Designer mode of PackDesigner.
2.Clicking on the list item of the object that has to be modified displays its details in the editor panel on the right-hand side of the RayPack application screen.
The following properties of the launch condition object may be manipulated:
The text area displays the current conditional statement defined for the launch condition. Users may either edit it by manually typing the updated phrase segments. The more handy editor interface for conditional statement manipulation in RayPack is the condition builder. Please refer to the common dialogs section for further details on how to use this standard interface type.
A textual description of the message displayed on the target machine during package run-time if the conditional statement defined above evaluates to false.