Add a Property

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RayPack > 8.0 > User Guide > PackDesigner > MSI / MST / RPP Based Projects > Visual Designer Mode > System Configuration > Properties 

Add a Property

In order to add a property to a packaging project, users go to the Properties view of the Visual Designer mode.

With a click on the Create new... button, the two basic property creation options become visible (and selectable):


Add a predefined property
The MSI standard defines a set of predefined properties. In order to make it faster and easier for packagers to use those predefined properties within packaging projects, RayPack contains a quick list to access them. Use this add option to pick one of the predefined properties.
Please refer to the MSI Property Reference documentation for a full list of predefined properties.


Add a custom property
It is usually necessary to add properties that go beyond the default definitions of the MSI standard. In those cases, select the simple new property procedure.


To Add a Predefined Property

1.From the options menu revealed by a click on the Create new... button, select Predefined property.
The PREDEFINED PROPERTIES dialog is displayed, containing a list of all modifiable properties defined by the MSI standard.

2.Use the search field to filter the list by keyword, sort the list by clicking on any column header, or expand and collapse the groups to navigate through the total of displayed properties.

3.The left column of the property list contains a checkbox. If a property has already been added to the packaging project, this checkbox is active and set into read-only mode, since the PREDEFINED PROPERTIES dialog does not allow to remove properties from a project. Please refer to the Remove a property section to get details about how to accomplish that.
Use the checkbox column to mark all predefined properties that have to be added to the current project.

4.Once the desired set of properties is defined, a click on the OK button at the lower right corner of the dialog adds them to the Properties view and closes the PREDEFINED PROPERTIES dialog. Clicking the Cancel button closes the dialog without making changes to the set of properties defined for the current packaging project.

To Add a Custom Property

1.From the options menu revealed, click on the Create new... button, select New property.

2.RayPack automatically adds a new item to the list of available properties.
The name of the property is set to the default value NewProperty. Since property names have to be unique, an automatically incremented index is added if required (e. g. NewProperty1, NewProperty2, etc.).
Since the default name contains lower-case letters, new properties are private by default.


As soon as a predefined or custom property has been added to the list of available properties for a packaging project, the property name and value may be modified.
Please refer to the Edit a property topic for details.