Add a Service Controller

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RayPack > 7.3 u6 > User Guide > PackDesigner > MSI / MST / RPP Based Projects > Visual Designer Mode > System Interaction > Services 

Add a Service Controller




Service manipulation objects have to be related to components. Please make sure to provide a component for your packaging project before the wizard for the creation of new server manipulation objects is started.


Service controller items are a set of service manipulation rules, that lead to changes in the behavior or activity of an already existing service on the target machine at package installation. If a new service has to be created on the target machine, users should add a new service creator item instead.


To add a new service controller, users have to:


1.Call the services view within the Visual Designer mode of PackDesigner.


2.Click on the Create new... button in the upper left corner of the view.


3.Select Control service from the options menu.


A new service controller object is automatically created and added to the list of service manipulation items in the left area of the services view. New service manipulation objects are named NewService by default. If an item with that name already exists, RayPack adds an incrementing index value to the default name (e. g. NewService_1).


The newly created service controller item is added to the ServiceControl Installer database table. It is already equipped with some basic settings, such as:


Service name - the default name mentioned above.

Component relation - RayPack automatically adds the service control object to one of the already existing components.

Create service - this option is predefined to be inactive.

Display name - the same as the service name.

Control - RayPack adds a start service control by default, which is executed during the installation sequence execution.


Especially the service name, component relation and control options have to be adjusted in order to control the service according to the specific package needs.

Additional information, such as further service control commands, have to be added to the default object settings manually.

To adjust these settings, users have to edit the service manipulation item. Please refer to the specific help topic for details on how to do so.