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PackBench > 8.0 > User Guide 


PackBench is designed to help teams perform complex, yet uniform procedures over and over again: at highest operational standard, a maximum of status clarity and optimal result quality. Information transparency and procedure efficiency are the imperatives for any functionality within PackBench. Therefore, this tool makes sure to define all required information and tasks for a specific procedure, turning it into a well-defined workflow teams may easily comprehend and execute.


Adding tools and variables to those workflows enables flexible, context defined process performance (called run), applying individual values for general specifications. PackBench does not only support mere confirmation of manual task execution, but at the same time enables workflow designers to integrate tools for automated task execution. By handing over variables to those script or application based tools, PackBench becomes the ideal instrument for neat and secure automation of tasks which are usually time-consuming and error-prone when they are performed manually. Allowing integrated tools to modify specific run properties after their execution drives the process further, based upon standardized real-time data.


Each task of a PackBench workflow can be equipped with detailed instructions on how performance is expected. Workflows may be organized in projects, making sure that each team has a dedicated context to operate in. Defining individual task status values reflects context dependent communication and execution standards, allowing users to take over any run at any time. Read the chapters of this document to learn how PackBench features support your individual workflow performance needs!


PackBench Is Part of RaySuite

Best-Practice Workflow for Enterprise Application Lifecycle Management

RaySuite offers product solutions for the creation, operation and control of individually customized Enterprise Application Lifecycle Management projects in automatically administered environments.




Designed as part of the RaySuite, Raynet's product suite for Enterprise Application Lifecycle Management, PackBench is a packaging process related workflow performance tool. However, due to its flexible design PackBench actually is a multi-purpose application for any kind of standardized, task-based procedure execution. It may be used either way - standalone or as integrated part of RaySuite.


When PackBench is used as part of the RaySuite, it is connected to RayFlow, the workflow management component of the RaySuite, which orchestrates Application Lifecycle Management activities. In this case there are some additional features, such as directly exporting run results to RayFlow, which will not be available in a standalone instance of PackBench. Please refer to the RaySuite website for further information regarding the benefits this product family offers for your daily business tasks.