Predefined Periods

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Raynet One Data Hub > 14.0 > Dashboards and Reports Customization Guide > Designing Dashboards > Dashboard Items Settings > Range Filter 

Predefined Periods

The Range Filter dashboard item allows you to add a number of predefined date-time periods that can be used to perform a selection (for instance, year-to-date or quarter-to-date).


Add Predefined Ranges

Select Predefined Ranges


Add Predefined Ranges

To add predefined ranges, open the Range Filter's Options menu and go to the Custom Periods section. Click "+" to add a new period.




You can specify the following settings for the start/end boundaries.


Caption - Specifies a predefined period caption.

Start Mode - Specifies a mode of the start boundary.

End Mode - Specifies a mode of the end boundary.


The following modes used to set predefined ranges are available.


None - The selection will begin from the start/end of the visible range.

Fixed - Allows you to select a specific date value using the calendar. Use the Start/End Date option to set a value.

Flow - Allows you to select a relative date value. The Interval option specifies the interval between the current date and the required date. The Offset option allows you to set the number of such intervals.




Note that the Offset option can accept negative and positive values. Negative values correspond to dates before the current date, while positive values correspond to future dates.


Below you can find some examples of how to set up custom periods:


Fixed custom periods


Start Point

oMode: Fixed

oStart Date: 01/01/2018

End Point

oMode: Fixed

oEnd Date: 12/31/2018


Q1 2017

Start Point

oMode: Fixed

oStart Date: 01/01/2017

End Point

oMode: Fixed

oEnd Date: 03/31/2018


Flow custom periods

6 Months

Start Point

oMode: Flow

oInterval: Month

oOffset: -5

End Point

oMode: None


Year to date

Start Point

oMode: Flow

oInterval: Year

oOffset: 0

End Point

oMode: Flow

oInterval: Day

oOffset: 0


Last Month

Start Point

oMode: Flow

oInterval: Month

oOffset: -1

End Point

oMode: Flow

oInterval: Month

oOffset: 0


Select Predefined Ranges

To select a predefined period, click the Select Date Time Period button (the rangefiltercustomperiod icon) in the Range Filter's caption and select the required period from the list.

