Reboot Agent Settings Configured Using the command-line

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RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager > 3.1 u11 > User Guide > Appendix I: Preference Settings for Managed Devices > Preference Settings in Command Line Tools 

Reboot Agent Settings Configured Using the command-line

While the reboot agent is typically called by the installation agent, the following settings can be configured individually on the reboot agent command-line:


RebootContinueAfterCmdFailure - specifies whether or not to continue with rebooting a managed device if execution of a prereboot command returns a non-zero exit code.

RebootPostCommand - a command to run immediately after a managed device is rebooted.

RebootPreCommand - a command to run immediately before a managed device is rebooted.

RebootPromptCycles - the number of times an end-user can postpone the reboot of a managed device.

RebootPromptUnlimited - specifies if prompting to reboot will continue until the managed device has rebooted.

RebootPromptWait - the time interval (in seconds) to wait before redisplaying the dialog that prompts the end-user to reboot.