File Depots

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RayFlow > 8.0 > User and Administration Guide > Configuration 

File Depots

This is where File Depots, which can be used as an alternative target instead of the RayFlow Server, can be configured.


File Depots


On the File Depots Configuration page there are three different tabs available:


General Information: This is where the general information for a selected file depot can be configured. These information are identical to the information that can be configured during the creation of the file depot.

Phases: In this tab the phases during which the file depot will be available can be configured.

Groups: In this tab  the groups for which the file depot will be available can be configured.


In order to create a new file depot, click on the Create new file depot button on the bottom of the page.


There are different types of file depots that can be created. The types of file depots that can be created are:


FTP (File Transfer Protocol)

FTPS (FTP Secure)

webDAV (Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning)

webDAVSSL (Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning Secure Sockets Layer)

SMB (Server Message Block)