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RayFlow > 8.0 > Installation Guide 


The following areas within the \RayFlow\web.config file need to be modified.


Connection String

A connection string is a string that specifies information about a data source and the means of connecting to it.


<!-- Your connectionstring -->


    <add name="RayflowEntities"

      connectionString="Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=Rayflow20;Integrated   

      Security=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;App=EntityFramework" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>



Data Source

.\ or localhost or servername or IP Address can be used if SQL is on-box. Servername or IP Address can be used if SQL is off-box.  For named SQL instances, add a backslash and then enter the instance name (Data Source=servername\instancename).  

To add the SQL port number use a comma followed by the port number (Data Source=servername,portnumber).


Network Library

If this parameter is left out, then Winsock TCP/IP (dbmssocn) will be used by default. If the SQL Native Client is configured to accept a different protocol, then include that parameter along with the relevant protocol name:


Named Pipes = dbnmpntw 

Shared Memory = dbmslpcn 

Winsock TCP/IP = dbmssocn 


Initial Catalog

Enter the database name as this parameters value. If the database name has spaces, enter the name as-is (test database) instead of encapsulating ("test database").



The Integrated Security=True parameter and value is used for Windows authentication.


For SQL authentication, use the following parameters with their required values:

User ID=sql_user_name;Password=enter_password


Connect Timeout

If this parameter is not included, then a .Net ADO connection timeout of 15 seconds is used by default.


Keep me signed in

It is possible to enable/disable the "Keep me signed in" checkbox on the RayFlow login page. When this checkbox is checked while login, a login cookie is issued in addition to the session management cookie.


This checkbox can be enabled/disabled via the web.config file.



    <!-- AllowRememberMe = true: Show "Keep me signed in" checkbox on the login page  -->

    <add key="AllowRememberSetting" value="true" />



SSL Cookies

If your security standards require SSL Secured Cookies, you can enable the enforcement of SSL by setting the following flag: requireSSL="true"


 <authentication mode="Forms">  

    <form loginUrl="~/AccountLogin" timeout="2880" cookieless="UseCookies" requireSSL="true" />



Please note this flag is not set by default and requires the use of an SSL Certificate.