Exchange and Sharepoint Scanners

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RayVentory Scan Engine > 12.6 u4 > User Guide > Appendix I: Prerequisites Inventory Methods > Zero-Touch/Remote Inventory for Windows (RIW) 

Exchange and Sharepoint Scanners

In order to use Windows Zero-Touch to scan exchange servers and sharepoints the following configurations and settings are necessary:


Enable Scanners with the Custom Configuration File

If using the default settings, exchange servers and sharepoints will not be scanned. In order to scan these, it is necessary to create a custom inventory configuration file. An example (the example.xml) for such a file can be found in the InstallDir. Ensure that the following classes are configured in the new custom inventory configuration file:

<Queries Mandatory="false" IsSoftware="false" WmiClass="MGS_ExchangeServer" Namespace="\root\cimv2" Name="Name" />

  <Queries Mandatory="false" IsSoftware="false" WmiClass="MGS_SPProduct" Namespace="\root\cimv2" Name="Name" />



Ensure that either port 80 (for HTTP) or port 443 (for HTTPS) is open on the target machine.


Remote PowerShell Session

Ensure that it is possible to open a remote PowerShell session to the target machine.


Exchange / Sharepoint Management Role

The user that is used for the scan needs to have an exchange/sharepoint management role that allows to connect to the exchange server or sharepoint over the remote PowerShell session.