Command Line Interface

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RayQC > 7.3 u2 > User Guide > Command Line Tools 

Command Line Interface

RayQC offers a standardized command line interface for parametrized application initialization. The following parameters may be used in conjunction with the RayQC executable:


Standard Parameters






Load checklist from the given file name

"C:\Program Files (x86)\RayQC\RayQC.exe" 
-c "C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\RayQC\Demo.rqct"



Pass values to checklist elements


Example for single element:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\RayQC\RayQC.exe" -c

"C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\ICE validation.rqct" -e



Example for multiple elements:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\RayQC\RayQC.exe" -c

"C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\Example.rqct" -e





Shows the command line interface help

"C:\Program Files (x86)\RayQC\RayQC.exe" -h


Silent mode

The checklist is opened and executed in silent mode. Commonly used with switch -s, which defines where to save the results of silent operation.
RayQC returns the following exit codes when run with this switch:


0 = checklist complete and passed

1 = checklist failed

2 = checklist incomplete

3 = other errors (read standard output for more information)


This parameter is optional.

"C:\Program Files\RayQC\RayQC.exe" C:\checklist.rqcp -q -s C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\test.pdf


Full file path of report (requires silent mode to be enabled)

Defines a full path where to save reports. This switch requires that silent mode is activates (-q). This parameter is optional.


RayFlow Related Parameters






The package ID from RayFlow

"C:\Program Files (x86)\RayQC\RayQC.exe" 
-p "RSRFC123456789"



The project ID from RayFlow


"C:\Program Files (x86)\RayQC\RayQC.exe" 
-P "RSRFP4711" 
-u "" 
-l "" 
-pw "Secret"



The URL for accessing RayFlow



The login name for the RayFlow connection



The password for the RayFlow login



Automatically run checklist and upload report

"C:\Program Files (x86)\RayQC\RayQC.exe" 
-r "Raynet standard PDF" 
-c "C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\RayQC\Demo.rqct"



Report profile name


Use currently logged on RayFlow user as transmission user





The parameter -e (-extension) has been deprecated since in RayQC 2.1 and has been replaced by -r (-report). Additionally, since RayQC 4.0 -e parameter has been restored with a different functionality and it can be used now to pass the value to checklist elements.