Installing RayQC Using an MSIX

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RayQC > 7.3 u2 > User Guide > Installing RayQC 

Installing RayQC Using an MSIX

Before the application is installed on a device some preparations are needed:


1.Please make sure, that you have your order number or license file at hand. Either one will be provided by your Raynet sales representative or our support team which you can contact via our Support Panel.


2.The target system needs to meet the system requirements described within the System Requirements chapter.


3.A Windows User with sufficient rights for installations has to be logged in


4.Close all dispensable applications during the setup routine execution.


Installing RayQC

Launch the RayQC setup with a double-click on the MSIX file and wait for the App Installer to start.




It is possible to either automatically launch RayQC after the App Installer has been closed or to decide against an automatic launch of the application by checking or unchecking the Launch when ready checkbox.


Click on the Install button to start the installation. The App Installer will now start the installation process and automatically install the product.


After RayQC has been successfully installed click on the Launch button to start RayQC. When RayQC is started for the first time and has not been licensed on the machine before, the License Activation tool will now be started.