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RayQC Advanced > 8.0 > User Guide > Automation > Command Line Interface > Command Line for UI Application 


The open switch can be used to open the import or test wizard and to open the library with or without a selected target package or the report screen with or without a report selected.

Sample Command Structure





-package [-id = <value|path>]

-report [-id = <value>]


Example for opening the library with a selected package:

C:\>C:\Program Files\RayQCAdvanced\RayQCAd.exe -open package "db:\\\MSI Packages\pkg01\Xsd2Code"

This opens the library with the package called Xsd2Code selected.








This command will start the import wizard.



This command will open the test wizard.

package <id>


This command will open the library. If the optional parameter <id> is not defined, the library screen will open without a selected package. If the optional parameter <id> is defined, the library screen will open with the specified package selected.

report <id>


This command will open the report screen or a specified report. If the optional parameter <id> is not defined, the report screen will open. If the optional parameter <id> is defined, the specified report will open.

-id <value|path>


If used with the package parameter id can have either the ID of a package or the path to the package can be used as value for the parameter. In combination with the report parameter, only the ID of the report can be used as value of id.




C:\>C:\Program Files\RayQCAdvanced\RayQCAd.exe -open package "db:\\\MSI Packages\pkg01\Xsd2Code"

C:\>C:\Program Files\RayQCAdvanced\RayQCAd.exe -open package 12

C:\>C:\Program Files\RayQCAdvanced\RayQCAd.exe -open report 12