Replacing Files

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RayPack > 8.0 > User Guide > PackDesigner > MSI / MST / RPP Based Projects > Visual Designer Mode > System Configuration > Files and Folders 

Replacing Files

Any file in an MSI / RPP / MST project can be replaced. The replacement operation updates the sources of the file, but does not affect any connections, including KeyPaths, formatted field references, component assignments, etc. An example scenario involving file replacements without changing the remaining MSI structure are quick patches that upgrade a few files to newer versions.

To Replace a File

1.Select the file to be replaced in the Files and Folders view

2.Right click the file and choose Replace… menu item from the context menu

3.Select a new version of the file from the file system

4.The necessary entries, including file size, version, and source path will be updated automatically.




Make sure the file has internally a higher version than the old file, otherwise Windows Installer will not be able to replace the file during the upgrade process. If the new version is lower but the file has to overwrite the old version anyway, it is necessary to override the file version in the file properties dialog.


The path to the updated version of the file will be created in the RPSourcePath table in the MSI/RPP/MST. When the project is rebuild (RPP/MSI/MST) or saved (MSI/MST only), the entry will be converted and the actual resources will be built. RayPack preserves all file sequences, so that the newly created MSI can be easily used as a target image for patching.