<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> RayPack > 8.0 > User Guide > PackDesigner > MSI / MST / RPP Based Projects > Visual Designer Mode > System Configuration > Registry > Registry Operations Registry Operation Wizard |
Note: The very same wizard is available from the Advanced mode as well as the Visual Designer mode: •From the Visual Designer mode: Call the Registry view, select any registry key or value, and right-click to get access to the context menu that allows to trigger the creation of a new Remove registry operation. •From the Advanced mode: Call the COMPONENTS view, select the Operations tab, and right-click to get access to the context menu that allows to trigger the creation of a new Remove registry operation. |
As soon as the Registry operation wizard is invoked, it is ready for detailed operation definitions. The following steps are required to actually create the new operation:
Note: If the wizard is called from the Registry view, it is already loaded with the properties of the registry object that was used to trigger the RemoveRegistry operation creation. If the wizard is called from the COMPONENT view tab Operations, all properties have to be defined manually. |
Registry root
Select the affected registry hive from the predefined list of options:
Specify the path to the key that contains the registry items which have to be removed. Please be aware that backslashes have to be used to distinct the registry tree levels, and that blanks and special characters are not allowed within this definition string.
Remove all sub-keys and values
Remove specific value by name
Once the parent key is determined, users have to define whether the whole key, including all sub-keys and values has to be removed, or if only a specific value from the key container should be removed. If the Remove by name option is selected, the Name input field has to be filled with the name of the single value that is about to be deleted at package run-time.
The RemoveRegistry operation has to be attached to a component to control and trigger its execution during install. Please select whether:
•A new component has to be created to contain the operation.
To do so, activate the upper option of the Component radio control. RayPack will automatically set a default name for the new component.
•The operation should be added to an existing component.
To do so, activate the lower option of the Component radio control. It is possible to either keep the pre-selected component, to select another one from the selector control, or to use the common Select Component dialog to define the parent component object. Within this dialog it is also possible to create a new component manually, which allows to define the name of the component, instead of letting the internal RayPack logic define it automatically as provided by the option described above.
Use the summary page to check the correctness of the operation properties that were defined during the previous wizard steps.
•If all properties are set as required, click Process to finally create the operation
•If changes are due, click Back until the wizard step with the incorrect property definition(s) is displayed and make modifications as required.
Please note that changes in an early step may lead to different defaults or options in any later step. Therefore, please verify that all steps contain the desired settings whilst NEXTing to the summary page again.
Once the new operation has been created, the wizard can be closed by using the Finish button at its lower right corner.