PackRecorder Tutorial

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PackRecorder Tutorial

What Is the PackRecorder?

RayPack Capture Process
The PackRecorder is RayPack’s recapturing tool that transfers non-MSI setups into a standard format which will serve as a base for further packaging tasks. PackRecorder uses snapshot technology to catch the system activity during installation and configuration processes.


Before the installation process begins, an initial snapshot is taken from a clean repackaging machine. At that point, the machine should reflect the target installation OS and should be prepared with the required prerequisites for the specific software (installation of Java Runtime Environment or .NET framework).


After the initial snapshot, the application that is to be repackaged must be installed. Additional configuration steps that must also be recorded, like defining specific user settings within the installed application, can be applied immediately after the installation is completed.


Once the installation and configuration steps are completed, the second snapshot is taken. Both snapshots are then compared to assess the disparities the installation caused on the system, which are then stored in a so called Delta file. This raw material is used to create the RayPack capture project file (.rcp), which can be opened and manipulated with the Capture Editor of the PackRecorder.


What Are the Prerequisites for Capturing Snapshots?

Before any actual packaging activity, no matter if it is package design or repackaging, it is highly recommended to take a look at the settings section first. For details regarding settings, please refer to the Settings Tutorial within the Knowledge Base, or dive into RayPack’s Application Help contents.


As mentioned above, capturing with RayPack is a snapshot based process. Therefore, the usual approach is to execute capturing on a machine that is as clean as possible with regards to previously installed software.


In order to achieve the desired repackaging results, there should be a detailed installation routine description prepared or assigned by the customer before the packaging project enters the active package design phase. These instructions also contain information about necessary configuration steps that follow the actual installation.