<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Object Permissions |
Object permissions are managed within the PERMISSIONS tab of the Property management dialogs for several object types, such as files, folders, registry keys and values. Refer to the specific chapters to get information on how to open the required properties dialog. Once the PERMISSIONS tab is visible, the following interface is available:
Packagers may define permissions for several users or user groups. To do so, for each user or user group the following steps have to be executed in turn:
Define user or group
Click on the Add user button on the left side of the PERMISSIONS tab interface. A dialog is displayed, offering three different user definition methods:
•Predefined user group
Select one of the available standard groups as target for the permission rule
•Predefined user name or SID
Set permissions for a single user by user name. The entered value may contain the domain specification or refer to a local user account. RayPack will not validate the given value, since it will be resolved at run time.
•Dynamic at run time
Apply the permissions on the user actually performing the installation
Once the right user or group is selected, click OK to add the new user object to the list of already existing user based permission rules.
The dialog is closed and the list on the left side of the PERMISSIONS tab interface is automatically updated with the new object.
To remove a user / group object from the list, right-click it and select Remove from the context menu. Please note that this remove is executed immediately without an additional confirm dialog.
Set permissions
Select an object from the list of available users / groups with a left click to edit the permissions for that specific user / group object.
The current permission settings are displayed. Decide to allow or deny standard permissions on the file by activating the checkbox in the Allow or Deny column:
•Full access - allows to use all standard Windows operating system procedures with the file
•Read - allows to open the file in read-only mode
•Write - allows to open and modify the file
•Execute - allows to run executable files
If the standard permission options do not suffice, use the CUSTOM PERMISSIONS button to define more precise rule-sets within the CHANGE CUSTOM PERMISSIONS dialog.
This dialog contains a more detailed list of permissions that can be controlled for a file. If one of the standard permissions (see above) has already been allowed or denied, the custom permissions dialog is a good place to check what exactly is granted by it in detail.
For further details regarding file and folder permissions, refer to Microsoft TechNet.
Activate this checkbox if the permissions for the file have to include inheritable permissions from the files parent object. Note that individual settings for the file always precede common inherited settings.
Decide whether inheritable permissions should be propagated to all children of the current object whilst keeping their potentially existing custom user based permissions, or if potentially already existing permissions should be replaced by the inheritable permissions defined by the current object.