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In the Setup section of the PackWrapper, it is possible to manage and finetune the steps that will be executed by the package. The steps for the package are divided into the Install, the Repair, and the Uninstall sections.
It is possible to install one or more executables and to perform various operations like file copy, writing in the registry, etc. In this section it is possible to control the exact order and options of the steps. The Install section itself is further divided into Pre-Installation, Installation, and Post-Installation.
It is possible to define a special set of actions, executed when a repair is needed. Furthermore it is also possible to use other executables or to perform various operations like file copy, writing in the registry, etc. In this section it is possible to control the exact order and options of the steps. The Repair section itself is further divided into Pre-Repair, Repair, and Post-Repair.
It is possible to define a special set of actions, executed when the product is to be removed. Furthermore it is also possible to use other executables or to perform various operations like file copy, writing in the registry, etc. In this section it is possible to control the exact order and options of the steps. The Uninstall section itself is further divided into Pre-Uninstallation, Uninstallation, and Post-Uninstallation.
1.Select Install, Repair, or Uninstall.
2.Configure the subsection to which to add the step by using the dropdown menu at the top of the list.
3.Click on the + button to show the available step types.
4.Alternatively, press Right Mouse Button and select the option Add from the context menu.
5.Select the required step.
6.Once the step is added to the list, highlight it and finish the configuration using the sidebar editor.
1.Select Install, Repair, or Uninstall.
2.Configure the subsection from which to remove the step by using the dropdown menu at the top of the list.
3.Highlight the step.
4.Press the Right Mouse Button.
5.Select Remove.
Note: When removing a step that hosts other steps, all children will be removed as well. |
1.Select Install, Repair, or Uninstall.
2.Configure the subsection in which to reorder the steps by using the dropdown menu at the top of the list.
3.Highlight the step to be move.
4.Press the Right Mouse Button.
5.Select Move up or Move down to move the step in the desired direction.
6.Alternatively drag and drop the step using the mouse.