Keeping Controls in Sync

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RayPack > 8.0 > User Guide > PackDesigner > MSI / MST / RPP Based Projects > Advanced Mode > User Interface 

Keeping Controls in Sync

Typically, several controls should share similar characteristics across more than one control. Some examples include:


The same position of navigation buttons (NEXT, BACK, CANCEL)

The same position of background bitmaps

The same bitmap for branding images



RayPack contains a mechanism that allows to synchronize the changes made to one dialog with other dialogs. The synchronization will work if all the conditions below are true:


1.The controls are having the same initial size and position

2.The controls have the same identifier

3.The controls are of the same type


For example, if a NEXT button has been defined on 5 different dialogs and the following is true:

1.On each dialog, the button is called NextButton

2.On each dialog, the button is located in the same place and has the same size


Then by resizing a button in one dialog all other NEXT buttons will be resized as well. This behavior is automatic and requires no settings.


Disabling the Synchronization of Controls

In order to disable the synchronization, one of the two following actions can be performed:


1.Rename the button and use a unique name for it. This way, the changes made to that button will not be synchronized anymore. The name of the button can be changes in the tables view, in the Control table. You can also right click a button and press "Go to row..." to highlight the necessary row automatically.


2.You can also disable the synchronization for all controls. The checkbox KEEP SIMILAR CONTROLS IN SYNC located under the designer canvas can be used to control whether the synchronization takes place at all. It can be re-enabled at any time.