JSON & XML files

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RayPack > 8.0 > User Guide > PackDesigner > MSI / MST / RPP Based Projects > Visual Designer Mode > System Interaction 

JSON & XML files

This module offers comprehensive tools to manage XML and JSON configuration files within the installer package. It allows for effective configuration management during the installation process, including importing, creating, and modifying files.


Automatic Integration into the Package

To enhance usability, custom actions and tables are automatically added to the package:

Custom Actions:

RPConfig: Collects and prepares necessary data.

RPConfigData: Applies changes to the configuration files.


RPJsonFile and RPJsonModification

RPXmlFile and RPXmlModification


View Structure

Left Panel: Displays the files and the changes that will be applied during installation.

Right Panel: Used to configure the details of operations for the selected file or modification


File Modifications

This feature supports XML and JSON, recognized for their hierarchical structure as standard formats for configuration files. Changes to these files integrate seamlessly into the Installer Database.


File Management Features

Importing: Users can import existing configuration files into the installer project as Initial Content or modifications. The Initial Content option is particularly helpful for large files when only a few properties are expected to change.

Creating: New XML and JSON files can be created directly within the installer environment.

Modifying: Existing files can be easily modified, allowing for straightforward changes to both structure and content.


File Categories

Initial Content: The starting state of a file is used to create it if it does not exist on the system. It is automatically stored as a modification with order 0 and is accessible via the Table View, though not visible in the UI.

By default, modifications are set to "Create-Only" mode, but this can be adjusted in the Table View.


File Creation Modes

Create or Update: Processes all update rules for existing files, using fallback content if the file is missing.

Update Only: If the file exists, processes update rules; otherwise, skips the operation.

Create Only: Creates a new file with initial contents if it does not exist; otherwise, skips.

Create or Overwrite: Overwrites or creates a new file with initial content.