<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> RayPack > 8.0 > User Guide > PackDesigner > MSI / MST / RPP Based Projects > Visual Designer Mode > System Configuration > Registry Importing Registry Contents |
Managing packaging project registry contents may include the handling of severe registry key and value amounts. In order to enable packagers to get that done the fast and easy the possible, RayPack includes bulk operation functionality for registry contents.
To import registry contents from a .reg file into a packaging projects Registry table:
1.Within the Visual Designer view Registry, click the Add or import... button at the left hand side of the details pane. Select Import from the options menu.
As an alternative, it is also possible to right-click a key from the tree structure and select Import entries from the context menu.
2.The Select Registry File dialog allows browsing of the local system for a .reg file to import.
3.Once the desired file is selected, click Open to start the import procedure:
RayPack analyses the contents given in the .reg file and adds them where applicable. As soon as the import is finished, an info dialog is displayed, showing the number of imported registry entries as well as optional details.
The newly imported registry entries are stored within an automatically generated component, which is named RayPackRegistryImportComponent. If several import procedures are executed for the same packaging project, an incrementing index value is added to the component names, e. g., RayPackRegistryImportComponent_1.
Note: Importing already existing values creates additional copies of them, there is no mechanism to replace existing registry contents by import. |