Custom RayPack installer database tables

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RayPack > 8.0 > User Guide > Reference and Cheat Sheets 

Custom RayPack installer database tables

Whilst most of the tables stored within a packaging project database belong to the standard defined for MSI packages, some additional custom tables are added by RayPack. All custom tables start with the prefix "RP" and are designed to allow users to benefit from built-in Visual Designer logic that extends the possibilities of the MSI standard.


Usually, these custom tables are not present in MSI packages that have been created with other packaging tools, or in newly created RPP projects. They are automatically added to the packaging project's database when they are required. They are required when the packaging engineer uses a RayPack convenience functionality, such as predefined Visual Designer interfaces for TXT change tasks, SQL database and SQL script support, etc..


The following help topics tend to describe the structure of custom RayPack database tables, as well as their relevance for PackDesigner views and functions.




Please refer to the MSDN documentation for details regarding the specifications and restrictions of standard column types mentioned below.