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RayPack > 8.0 > User Guide > Command Line Tools > Silent Command Line Switches 



This switch instructs RayPack to perform a silent building of a project. Various number of input and output formats are supported. For example, you can use this command to:


Build RPP project to an MSI format

Rebuild an MSI package

Build a virtual package from an MSI package




Be aware:

In order to be able to generate virtual target package formats, the license of the parent RayPack application instance has to contain the optional Virtualization pack.






-Format <format>


Output file format. The following values are supported: RCP, MSI, RPP, SFT, APPV, XPF, DAT, MST

oRCP:        RayPack Capture Project

oRPP:        RayPack Package Project

oRPPX:        RayPack MSIX Project

oMSI:        Windows Installer database

oSFT:        Microsoft App-V 4.6

oAPPV:        Microsoft App-V 5.0

oXPF:        Symantec Workspace Virtualization package

oDAT:        ThinApp package

oMST:        Windows Installer transform        

oMSIX        MSIX Package

oVHD        MSIX app attach

oINTUNEWIN        Intune Win32 Package

oLAYPKG        Citrix App Layering

-Input <path>


Full path to the source file (supported file types: *.msi; *.rpp; and *.rcp).
If the target format is MST, then only *.msi files are accepted as input paths.

-Output <path>


Full path to the output file.



Be aware:

If the target file (the output parameter) has an extension that is different than the one defined by the format type (the format parameter) the correct extension will be appended. Otherwise, the target file extension will be used.


-CabSplitting <size>


Only when building to *.msi format
Maximum CAB size in MB with a valid range between 1 and 2000. If the parameter is not given, the default value 2000 is used.

-Source <type>


Only when building to *.msi format
Type of resource location and compression option. The following options are supported: CompressedExternal, CompressedInternal, UncompressedExternal

-CabNaming <type>


Only when building to *.msi format
Defines the naming pattern for CAB files. If not specified, the value from the profile will be taken. The following values are supported:


oData:        The names of new CAB files will be Data1.CAB, Data2.CAB etc.

oName:        The names of new CAB files will be the same as the name of the MSI, for example My

oName83:        The names of new CAB files will be the same as the name of the MSI. If the MSI name is longer than 8 characters, the CAB name will be shortened, for example

oCustom:        The names of new CAB files have to be specified using the customCabName option.

-CustomCabName <name>


Only when building to *.msi format
Defines the custom pattern for CAB names. Only applicable if cabNaming is set to Custom

-Set <name>=<value>


Only when building to *.msi and *.rpp formats
Sets the value of an MSI property in the output file. Multiple instances are allowed to change more than one property. The name and value have to be separated by an quality sign (=). The name of the property may not contain spaces. If the value contains spaces, the whole string should be surrounded by quotes, for example:
-set "Name=Value with spaces"

-set Name=ValueWithoutSpaces

-PreviousVersion <path>


Only when building to *.msi
Defines the path to a previous version of MSI, used for synchronization purposes and optimization of component structures and identifiers.



Only when building to *.msi and *.rpp format
Generates a new ProductCode for the output MSI file.



Only when building to *.msi format
Signs the output MSI. The signature data is taken from the currently active RayPack settings profile.



Only when building to *.mst format
Applies changes from RPMST definition to the new MST. This parameter is not required, if it is not provided then the default RPMST definition will be taken from your current profile.



Only when building to *.msi format
Updates file information (size, version, language) of file resources available within the output file.



Only when building to *.msi or *msix format
Defines the path to the .pfx file that is being used for signing.



Only when building to *.msi or *msix format
Defines the password for the .pfx file that is being used for signing.



Defines the path to the timestamp server that is being used for signing.



Defines the algorithm that is used for the timestamp server. The following values are valid:






Building an RCP project to MSI format with a set of commonly used options:


RpCmd.exe Build 

         -Format "MSI" 
         -Input "C:\RayPack\Projects\FileZilla\\FileZillaClient-3_9_0_6.RCP" 
         -Output "C:\RayPack\Projects\FileZilla\\_MSI\FileZillaClient-3_9_0_6.MSI" 
         -CabSplitting 1500
         -Source "CompressedExternal"
         -Set "ProductVersion=1.2.0" 

         -Set "Manufacturer=The FileZilla Project"


Building MST transform based on a selected MSI file, implementing changes from a given RPMST definition:


RpCmd.exe Build 

          -Format "MST" 

          -Input "C:\RayPack\Projects\FileZilla\\_MSI\FileZillaClient-3_9_0_6.MSI" 

          -Output "C:\RayPack\Projects\FileZilla\\_MST\FileZillaClient-3_9_0_6.MST"  

          -TransformTemplate "C:\RayPack\PackPoint\Templates\default-template.rpmst"


Parameters Precedence

Build options are processed in the following order:


1.Command line build options

2.Project build options

3.Profile build options


This means, that any kind of build option passed in the command line (for example -signMsi) overrides signature settings present in the project or in the profile.