<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> RayPack > 8.0 > User Guide > Command Line Tools > Silent Command Line Switches Build |
This switch instructs RayPack to perform a silent building of a project. Various number of input and output formats are supported. For example, you can use this command to:
•Build RPP project to an MSI format
•Rebuild an MSI package
•Build a virtual package from an MSI package
Be aware: In order to be able to generate virtual target package formats, the license of the parent RayPack application instance has to contain the optional Virtualization pack. |
Parameter |
Required |
Description |
-Format <format> |
oRCP: RayPack Capture Project oRPP: RayPack Package Project oRPPX: RayPack MSIX Project oMSI: Windows Installer database oSFT: Microsoft App-V 4.6 oAPPV: Microsoft App-V 5.0 oXPF: Symantec Workspace Virtualization package oDAT: ThinApp package oMST: Windows Installer transform oMSIX MSIX Package oVHD MSIX app attach oINTUNEWIN Intune Win32 Package oLAYPKG Citrix App Layering |
-Input <path> |
Full path to the source file (supported file types: *.msi; *.rpp; and *.rcp). |
-Output <path> |
-CabSplitting <size> |
Only when building to *.msi format |
-Source <type> |
Only when building to *.msi format |
-CabNaming <type> |
oData: The names of new CAB files will be Data1.CAB, Data2.CAB etc. oName: The names of new CAB files will be the same as the name of the MSI, for example My Application.cab oName83: The names of new CAB files will be the same as the name of the MSI. If the MSI name is longer than 8 characters, the CAB name will be shortened, for example MYAPPL12.cab oCustom: The names of new CAB files have to be specified using the customCabName option. |
-CustomCabName <name> |
Only when building to *.msi format |
-Set <name>=<value> |
Only when building to *.msi and *.rpp formats -set Name=ValueWithoutSpaces |
-PreviousVersion <path> |
NO |
Only when building to *.msi |
-GenerateProductCode |
Only when building to *.msi and *.rpp format |
-SignMsi |
Only when building to *.msi format |
-TransformTemplate |
NO |
Only when building to *.mst format |
-UpdateFileInfo |
NO |
Only when building to *.msi format |
-Certificate |
NO |
Only when building to *.msi or *msix format |
-Password |
NO |
Only when building to *.msi or *msix format |
-timestampServer |
NO |
Defines the path to the timestamp server that is being used for signing. |
-timestampDigestAlgorithm |
NO |
Defines the algorithm that is used for the timestamp server. The following values are valid: •sha1 •sha256 •sha384 •sha512 |
Building an RCP project to MSI format with a set of commonly used options:
RpCmd.exe Build
-Format "MSI"
-Input "C:\RayPack\Projects\FileZilla\\FileZillaClient-3_9_0_6.RCP"
-Output "C:\RayPack\Projects\FileZilla\\_MSI\FileZillaClient-3_9_0_6.MSI"
-CabSplitting 1500
-Source "CompressedExternal"
-Set "ProductVersion=1.2.0"
-Set "Manufacturer=The FileZilla Project"
Building MST transform based on a selected MSI file, implementing changes from a given RPMST definition:
RpCmd.exe Build
-Format "MST"
-Input "C:\RayPack\Projects\FileZilla\\_MSI\FileZillaClient-3_9_0_6.MSI"
-Output "C:\RayPack\Projects\FileZilla\\_MST\FileZillaClient-3_9_0_6.MST"
-TransformTemplate "C:\RayPack\PackPoint\Templates\default-template.rpmst"
Build options are processed in the following order:
1.Command line build options
2.Project build options
3.Profile build options
This means, that any kind of build option passed in the command line (for example -signMsi) overrides signature settings present in the project or in the profile.