<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> RayPack > 8.0 > User Guide > PackDesigner > MSI / MST / RPP Based Projects > Advanced Mode > Sequencing Remove a Sequence Action |
In order to remove one of the actions organized within a specific sequence, users have to select the affected sequence first. This is done by clicking on one of the sequence navigation tabs (Installation, Administration, Advertisement) on the upper left corner of the SEQUENCING view, followed by the selection of the actual sequence type (execution or ui).
From the SEQUENCING view, removing an action from a specific sequence can be triggered by right-clicking the action and selecting Remove from the context menu.
WARNING RayPack does not show a confirm dialog when actions are removed from a sequence, since the action object is not finally deleted from the packaging project itself, but only from this one specific sequence. It is always possible to add the same standard action, custom action, or dialog to the packaging project again.
However, removing actions from any sequence may cause unpredictable target package behavior at run-time. It is highly recommended to double check any sequence manipulation, in order to make sure no irrevocable harm is done. Please make sure to keep a copy of any original resource material, indicating the original sequence order that might have to be restored at a later time. |