Add a Component

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RayPack > 8.0 > User Guide > PackDesigner > MSI / MST / RPP Based Projects > Advanced Mode > Components 

Add a Component

To add a new component to a packaging project is often executed automatically as the result of a packaging task executed from the Visual Designer mode, e. g. when files are added or the registry is populated with new objects. However, adding a component manually is possible as well.


1.To do so, users simply hit the Create new button in the upper left corner of the COMPONENT view.

2.From the displayed list of activity options, select Create a new component.

3.The new object is immediately created and added to the component list.


Since the component is prepared with a default name and some default settings, adjustments are due. The first thing that should be done is the adjustment of the component name. Therefore, when a new component is added, its item within the component list is automatically set into direct edit mode. This way, any user input made is directly set as new component name.


To save the new component name, users have to either hit Enter on the keyboard or unfocus the component item by clicking on another interface object, such as another component list item or any control object displayed within the COMPONENTS view. The help topic Rename a component contains details about the naming conventions for component identifiers and possible user interface messages regarding valid or invalid component names.


Please refer to the help section Edit a component to get detailed information about the manageable component object properties.