Adding New Dialogs

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RayPack > 8.0 > User Guide > PackDesigner > MSI / MST / RPP Based Projects > Advanced Mode > User Interface 

Adding New Dialogs

In order to show a new dialog during installation:


1.The dialog has to be added to the Installer database (into the Dialog table)

2.There must be a link between any control in the database which will call and navigate to that dialog


To Add a New Dialog to the Project

1.In the ALL DIALOGS view, click on Add... button

2.A list of predefined dialogs will be shown. Select a dialog from the list that will be a base for a new one.




The dialog list is sorted:


1.On the top there is always a template for a blank dialog. The blank dialog comes in two flavors - one with navigation buttons and basic graphics, and one without anything for custom layouts

2.Custom dialogs sorted alphabetically

3.Standard MSI dialogs sorted alphabetically (to distinguish them, RayPack shows a different icon for these entries).


In order to add the selected dialog to the project, press the Add to the project button.



For some dialogs, it is possible to change the Theme. The theme can be changed by selecting a required one from the combobox available in the toolbox.