Add an IIS Web Site

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RayPack > 8.0 > User Guide > PackDesigner > MSI / MST / RPP Based Projects > Visual Designer Mode > Database and Server > IIS 

Add an IIS Web Site

In order to add an IIS web site to a packaging project, users go to the IIS view of the Visual Designer mode.

With a click on the Create new... button, the options menu is displayed. Click on Web site to invoke the New Web Site Wizard.

As an alternative access to the very same wizard, users may click on the Web sites node within the IIS object tree structure on the left hand side of the IIS view, and click on the Add new website button that is displayed within the details pane at the right-hand side.


Work your way through the steps of the wizard to define all required properties for the new item.


At any time, using the Next or Back buttons, which are displayed at the bottom of the wizard dialog, allows to navigate within the already processed steps.

To exit the wizard without creating a new object, use the Cancel button, also located at the bottom of the wizard dialog.


Step 1: Site Name

Site name

The name of the new web size has to be given as an identifier string: it has to be a unique, not empty alphanumeric string of max. 72 characters length. It may contain the ASCII characters A-Z (a-z), digits, underscores (_), or periods (.), and must begin with either a letter or an underscore.


Step 2: General


Each web site object has to be related to a component item of the packaging project.


To select an existing component as parent object of the web site, users click on the downwards-pointing arrow at the right-hand side of the component selector control. A list of existing components is displayed. The actual selection is done with a click on any of the given components.


To create a new component for the web site, users click on the browse button [...] at the right-hand side of the component control. The common dialog type Select Component is displayed, ready for creating and selecting components.



Auto start

Start on install


Connection timeout

Specifies the time (in seconds) that IIS waits before it disconnects a connection that is considered inactive.


Step 3: Basic Settings

Physical path

The destination of the content provision for the new website has to be defined by selecting one of the already given directories within the packaging project, or by creating a new one. Both procedures may be done by clicking the browse button [...] at the right-hand side of the Physical path property control item, and using the interface of the common dialog Select directory.


Step 4: Binding


Please select one of the predefined types:

HTTP - HyperText Transfer Protocol as stateless communication protocol for web contents

HTTPS - HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure as communication protocol for web contents with special, certificate-based security functions (keyword SSL / TSL)



The IP address for direct access to the web site. If the wild cart sign asterisk (*) is set, all requests to the web server will be directed to the web site.



The port address as entrance filter for allowed incoming requests. If the wild cart value 80 is set, all ports are open for communication.



The URL used as public alias for the web site content is another filter element for incoming communication requests.




The combination of IP, port, and header is a quite powerful security and communication tunneling mechanism. Please refer to further chapters of the TechNet online contents for further details.


Step 5: Advanced Settings

Web Application

Select one of the already available web applications stored within the current packaging project by clicking on the downwards pointing arrow at the right-hand side of the Web Application selector control. If the required application is not present within the list, use the browse button [...] on the right to open the Web Application Manager dialog. Please refer to the dedicated help topic for details on how to accomplish the required steps.


Web Dir Properties

Select one of the already available web directories stored within the current packaging project by clicking on the downwards pointing arrow at the right-hand side of the Web Dir selector control. If the required option is not present within the list, use the browse button [...] on the right to open the Web Directories Manager dialog. Please refer to the dedicated help topic for details on how to accomplish the required steps.


Web Log

Please select one of the predefined log options:

IIS - fixed ASCII format

NCSA - fixed ASCII format, specialized for web sites

NONE - log files will not be written

ODBC - record of a fixed set of data properties in a database

W3C - customizable ASCII format


For further details regarding IIS log file formats, please visit MSDN.


Step 6: Summary

Use the summary page to check the correctness of the application pool properties that were defined during the previous wizard steps.

If all properties are set as required, click Process to finally create the application pool item.

If changes are due, click Back until the wizard step with the incorrect property definition(s) is displayed and make modifications as required.
Please note that changes in an early step may lead to different defaults or options in any later step. Therefore, please verify that all steps contain the desired settings whilst NEXTing to the summary page again.


Step 7: Finished

Once the new application pool object has been created, the wizard can be closed by using the Finish button at its lower right corner. The IIS view is updated, and the tree structure of existing items contains the newly created object.