Add a Launch Condition

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RayPack > 8.0 > User Guide > PackDesigner > MSI / MST / RPP Based Projects > Visual Designer Mode > Setup Options > Launch Conditions 

Add a Launch Condition

In order to add a new launch condition to a packaging project, users go to the Launch Conditions view of the Visual Designer mode.

With a click on the Create new... button, the options menu is displayed. Click on Create launch condition to invoke the New Row in Launch Condition Table dialog.


The OK button at the bottom of the dialog window becomes active as soon as all mandatory properties are defined. Clicking it saves the new launch condition and closes the current dialog. The Cancel button does the usual: discard the entered values and close the dialog without saving the new data object.



A conditional statement that needs to evaluate to true in order to process the package run-time phase on the target machine.



A textual description of the message displayed on the target machine during package run-time if the conditional statement defined above evaluates to false.