Registry Operations

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RayPack > 8.0 > User Guide > PackDesigner > MSI / MST / RPP Based Projects > Visual Designer Mode > System Configuration > Registry 

Registry Operations

Registry operations are special actions that are performed by the installer engine when the package is installed or uninstalled. RayPack contains wizard interfaces to allow packagers to easily define RemoveRegistry operations, which remove registry keys or values on install, as natively supported by the Windows Installer technology.

In order to define a new registry operation from the Visual Designer mode interface, users have to right click any registry key or value that is visible within the Registry view, and select New operation from the context menu. The sub-menu allows to pick the option "Remove registry on install...".


Registry operations are not shown as items within the Registry view. In order to review, modify or remove them, users have to switch to the Advanced mode: The Operations tab ob the COMPONENTS view shows all operations registered for a specific component.