Recognition of Vendor MSI Installations

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RayPack > 8.0 > User Guide > PackRecorder > Capturing Applications > Install Application (Local Repackaging) 

Recognition of Vendor MSI Installations

PackRecorder automatically detects vendor MSI installations. Many setups are prepackaged to a single container .exe file which acts merely a a wrapper and executes the actual Windows Installer database extracted to a temporary location. If this happens, repackaging to MSI format is usually a bad choice because it breaks the compatibility and upgrade possibilities of older vendor packages. In most cases, the recommended approach is to create a Windows Installer transform.


While staying on the Install Application screen, once an MSI installation is detected an information is shown in real-time underneath the Execute button:




It is not necessary to take any extra actions, at this point the message is only for information. However, once the RCP project is created, the original MSI will be copied to the project folder for a further reference and an option to create an MST transform file against the vendor MSI will be available.