Importing Universal / Modern Apps Into MSI Projects

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RayPack > 8.0 > User Guide > PackDesigner > MSI / MST / RPP Based Projects > Importing Other Formats 

Importing Universal / Modern Apps Into MSI Projects




The availability of this option depends on the license information that you have entered for the current RayPack instance.


To import a 3rd-party format:


1.Click on the FILE button, select the New tab, and press the MSIX to MSI wrapper button.

2.In the file browser dialog, select an .msix package to be imported.

3.Select the target location of the output .msi file.

4.RayPack will read basic package properties and will allow you to change them:




Add / Remove Programs information availability

5.RayPack will convert the selected file into the .msi format.

6.You can open the resulting .msi file using PackDesigner in order to perform additional customization.