Creating New Projects

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RayPack > 8.0 > User Guide > PackDesigner > MSI / MST / RPP Based Projects 

Creating New Projects


New empty MSI/RPP files can be created by accessing the FILE > New menu. Further details are described in the section Create a New Project.


Transform (.mst)




In order to create a response transform, use PackTailor as described here: PackTailor


There is no direct option to create a new blank transform (this is not allowed by the Windows Installer technology). Instead, follow these steps to create a new transform:


1.Open the MSI file to transform.

2.Do the required changes (or just a part of them, important is to apply all changes before the transform is generated).

3.Press FILE > Save as and select Windows Installer transform as a target format



Be aware:

Do not press Save button, because until the transform is created it saves changes back to the MSI file.


4.Select where to save the transform and confirm the selected path by pressing Save in the Save File dialog.


Other Formats

Patch (.msp)

There is no direct option to create a new patch file. The patch must be always built based upon an already existing MSI or pair of MSIs.

In order to create a patch, simply open the updated version of the MSI and follow the steps as described in chapter Building Microsoft Patches.


Virtual Packages (App-V, ThinApp, SWV)

There is no direct option to create a new virtual package. A virtual package can be built based upon an already existing MSI.

In order to create a virtual package, simply open the required MSI, RPP or MST file, and follow the steps as described in chapter Building Packages.